Participating Life Insurance

Infinite banking, also known as the “Be Your Own Banker” strategy, is a powerful tool for building personal wealth. The concept involves using a properly structured life insurance policy as a financial resource to fund investments, pay off debt, and build savings. By leveraging the cash value of the policy, individuals can maximize the growth and control of their money. Many people are unaware of this strategy and its potential benefits, but those who have implemented it have seen significant financial gains. Through a better understanding of infinite banking, individuals can take control of their financial future and achieve greater financial freedom.

The Benefits

When investing in a life insurance policy, the ideal plan gives you the following benefits:

  • GUARANTEED Loan Option
  • Accessible Through Collateralization
  • Competitive Return
  • Unstructured Loan Payments
  • High Contributions
  • Deductible Contributions
  • Collateral Opportunities
  • Tax Deferred Growth
  • Tax Free Distribution
  • Safe Harbor
  • NO LOSS Provisions

The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) is a financial strategy that lets individuals become their own bankers. It is a source of financial empowerment that can help anyone take control of their finances and build wealth over time. With IBC, a person sets up a whole life insurance policy from a mutually owned insurance company and takes out loans from the policy’s cash value. The borrowed funds are tax-free and can be used for various purposes such as investing in real estate, paying for college tuition, or starting a business. The beauty of IBC lies in its flexibility and tax advantages. Anyone can adopt this concept and tailor it to suit their financial goals and needs. Through IBC, one can create a personal banking system that offers borrowing capabilities, tax advantages, and legacy benefits to generations to come.


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The Three Types of Money

Accumulated Money: Money your saving for retirement and future use. Examples are money your putting to the side for a real estate investment, your 401k, your IRA or your home equity.

Lifestyle Money: Money your using on a daily basis for food, gas and entertainment.

Transferred Money: Money your giving to the government and financial institutions like the bank. Example are taxes, credit card interest, home mortgage and car payments.

Watch the Circle of Wealth video to learn more about the 3 types of money.

Our Blog

Building Wealth Outside Wall Street.

This 150 year old strategy has been implemented by the Rothschilds,  Rockefellers, JC Penny, and Walt Disney, but most average individuals and families have never heard of it.